
Got some art inspired by, or about, sport? Well don’t hesitate – get it published on our site quicker than Usain Bolt running 100m on a stomach full of McNuggets. Just follow the guidelines below and send your submission to with a little bio so we can get to know you. Unless we get really busy, we will be responding to every single submission, so if you haven’t heard from us in two months, please send us a furious nudge.


For fiction or poetry submissions, please send your work in a Word Document. That’s it. That’s all of our guidelines. Maybe don’t send fifty pieces of work at a time. Maybe don’t send your submissions with a dislodged finger as an attachment. Maybe don’t abuse me for being a Fulham fan is your email. Otherwise…ping it our way!


Artwork is very similar to the above guidelines, except we’ll obviously need a sample. We can put three pieces of artwork, with links to purchase on your personal website if you’d like. So please send through JPEG versions of the finished artwork that you’d like us to display.